Leadership skills

     Usually, we know a leader who leads an organizations or a section. But in marching band, all members is a leader to themselves and to everyone. In a way to be a good leader, the person must be able to be a good example too. 

     “New members follow the lead of their peers to understand how to act during rehearsal.” (Stein, 2015)

     At this time where it begins. There are few skills that the person needs. First, they must have good communication skills to be able to communicate with their peers or we call new members as juniors. Seniors play very crucial roles. They are role models to youngster in the band. Stein (2015) had mentioned that the truth of leadership is the one that can provide a clear and good example to be followed by others in the team.

     As far from my personal experiences in marching band, it is true that senior members have the authority to lead the juniors. As my baby step in marching band at the very beginning, I had no experiences or skills of music at all. However, I managed to learn all of it from my responsible seniors. They taught me very well. As time passing by, I experienced to be as a senior too. From that I had learnt that a member must have leadership skills within us.

Sasband during concert practice in 2012

One section but mix up in all ages (form 1 till form 5)

Me and my friends at Sasband concert. More to orchestra and no marching ;D 

A leader must guide the other members to be the same level as them. That's leader in band. ALL is a leader to ALL

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