Experience brings benefits

        As a quote from Herbine (n.d), “with self-improvement came opportunities, with opportunities came self-improvement” has its own meaning. From my understanding, it has a deep meaning of the person can see thing beyond and learn from it. From past experiences, during music exchange program, I can be able to learn more music and skills. I had developed my interest in music starting from there. There is a lot of opportunities of lessons learn from the exchange program.

       I went to Horwang School in Bangkok for a music program last time in 2011. I personally noticed that they had a very good individual skill that the most important thing they had is passion. As far from what I saw, daily routines of practices had made them become a better musician. Every day, they repeated the same routines and it becomes a normal routines that I saw them mastering it specifically in music and skills.

Mr Noname Tamsan from Japan came to our school to teach us skills and the correct technique to play instrument with feels. He is the best. I adore him untill now ;)

Horwang members shared their knowledge in music with us ;)

They guide us very well. This is the time before Mulan theme starts

Sharing is caring :) Knowledge is valuable things in world

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