Discipline management

     How do you do today, people? Be nice and do not break the rule. If you did, you may read this entry on how does marching band effects our attitude.

     As to conduct a large group of people is not an easy task. All members or we address them as musicians, are needed to behave in ethical fashion. However, band culture has their own style in managing and shaping the members using Rules & Regulations. Rules are set up in a way to make all members listen yet they are focusing on all of instructions given by the leader. In this way, they will be not missing any important things such as the schedules to have practice, tournaments, occasions, or competition.

    Talking about competition, based from my past experience in secondary school, rules and regulations are crucial. I was in marching band too. Honestly, we were trained in the community (band) to discipline ourselves very well. If we were not following the rules in band, how to achieve our goals? How to respect our leader and instructor? Other than that, punishments were given to those who broke the rules such as came late to the practice, not wearing full uniform attire, and other mistakes. They would be needed to take a big lap around the school field, doing push-ups, clean band room and it was given no matter where we were or when.

     By this method, the members would learn a valuable lesson from it and not repeating the same mistake as he or she had done. Self-discipline contributed to achieve group’s aims or target.

We wear full set of our uniform during competition

Check line, spacing is a must during formation. We keep our discipline better and better and better.

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