Sunday 30 August 2015

Experience brings benefits

        As a quote from Herbine (n.d), “with self-improvement came opportunities, with opportunities came self-improvement” has its own meaning. From my understanding, it has a deep meaning of the person can see thing beyond and learn from it. From past experiences, during music exchange program, I can be able to learn more music and skills. I had developed my interest in music starting from there. There is a lot of opportunities of lessons learn from the exchange program.

       I went to Horwang School in Bangkok for a music program last time in 2011. I personally noticed that they had a very good individual skill that the most important thing they had is passion. As far from what I saw, daily routines of practices had made them become a better musician. Every day, they repeated the same routines and it becomes a normal routines that I saw them mastering it specifically in music and skills.

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