
      Hi and hello again blog visitors. As today I will entertain all of you with the teamwork in marching band. I will expose it to you if you have no idea before about the most enjoyable teamwork. In this entry, a video can tell more about it.

        “The feeling of winning trophies and having fun at festivals were some of the best experiences of my life.” Morgan T. /8th grader (Honey, 2013

      “The thing I like best is that every day I walk into class and see 50 other children who are passionate about music. The people I sit next to aren’t just classmates, they are friends.” – Celia O./ 8th grader (Honey, 2013)


          From this video, I can relate to strong teamwork. The members can produce beautiful formation and march in synchronize.

             It is fun when we can work as one as everyone really enjoy their doings in whatever they love. As for me, obviously I prefer marching band. Of course, it is my passion. It can be related to responsible. Hence, it can strengthen the bond between band members thus it builds a strong teamwork which is good for the band personally. The combination of it will be more wonderful as each of the members learn to tolerate and help each other.