Precious moment

   During my secondary school, I started joining my school marching band. I was in the same section with my sister which was drumline. It is a part from percussion. I started to join marching band in 2008 (form one) until 2012 (form five). I had a lot of awesome experiences I could say. Usually form one member, we were taught the basic first and then we started to develop skills day by day. As for me, I was in the special case. Band had not enough members for the competition. That was why I joined the seniors during the competition in 2008 when I was form one. Talking about basic, honestly I knew nothing about music. I joined drumline (percussion). In the section there were few senior taught me the basic till I was be able to play the instrument and marched.

Picture of me when i was in marching band. Ohh i really miss all my seniors and juniors now. I will go to the past if i can playback the time (dreaming like i's the time keeper ;P) 

I played bass drum in 2008 when i was form one and that 's me, second from right, my sister (along) is on very left that was blocked by my instructor so you cannot see her ;P

That's me ! hihi...

I started playing tenor drum when i was in form 3 (2010) till form 5 (2012)

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