Fun moment

     SASBand had a lot of music exchange program outside and inside the country. Almost all band in Malaysia we went to have the exchange program. We can share things together and learn something new from the program. In 2008, SASBand had their concert with Nakamura Gakuen Girl School from Japan. It is fun since I can learn Japanese language along with their music skills. I was amazed by their skills and their fast side reading. How wonderful it is. In the early of 2011, I went to Horwang High School, Bangkok, Thailand with band members. Our target is to learn the new skills and exchange music skills too. Since in 2011 was the first time that SASBand invented pit percussion in the band that was the strongest reason why we were there. After the exchange program, we went to see the Thai culture and of course we went to shopping. In the end of 2011, after we entitled as champion, we were welcomed to Nanchang, China to perform our theme, Mulan. This is the best part. We went to perform and see a lot of other bands from other country. We make friends there. China is beautiful. I love it the most because we spent our time almost 2 weeks there. 

There is no reason to not love marching band. I had experienced it. So, when were you?

Bangkok, 2010: Smk Sultanah Asma and Horwang High School exchange music program

Horwang School, Bangkok : I was learning new basic skill for drum with Horwang's student

Nanchang, China : SMK Sultanah Asma School band ( Sasband) performed Mulan theme in 2011

Nanchang, China : Sasband in Marching Parade show

Nanchang, China : My drum line's members 

Nanchang, China : Meeting with other band from Thailand before our performance

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